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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Readers want to know


Dear Readers:

Thank you for your support. It's always nice to hear from you. I'm posting a few of your questions, along with my answers. 

 Question: "Will there be a sequel to Summer & Joon?"

As much as I loved the story, I think it's complete. I won't rule out featuring  some of the characters in another story.

Question: "What inspired you to write Summer & Joon?"

I just wanted to write a straight up love story that takes place in the winter. Which happens to be my least favorite season. I wanted it to feel as though the diner folk  as well as the readers had a stake in Summer & Joon's relationship.

Question: "Was Dane still in love with Summer?"

Summer was Dane's first true love.  She nursed him back to health after his accident. They share a child and a history. I think he loved her, I'll let the readers decide if he was still in love with her.

Question: "  Can you tell me about the bunny Clyde?"

When I was a kid, my sister had this hefty  rabbit named Clyde. He would nibble on our books and shoes.

Question: "Scotty is an interesting character."

Yes,  there's something so pure  and sweet about Scotty. I really enjoyed writing him.

Question: "Is Joon based on anyone in real life?"

 Yes and no. I get asked that question  a lot. He's a combination of different people. 

Question: "How did you pick your songs?"

Music is such an important part of my life. It inspires me more than anything else.  I was stacking wood in the yard, and Spotify was playing. That's when  I heard  "So In love" by Curtis Mayfield. I stopped stacking the wood and had to find out the name of the song.  Once I heard it, I knew it was going to be Summer & Joon's song. Of course I adore Motown and the rest of the songs are some of my favorites.

Thanks for the questions.
I'll answer more next week.💓

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